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Latest FAQs 
- Can I advertise for free? (2017-01-23 11:17)
- What package should I choose, and what do the ... (2017-01-23 11:16)
- Ad Tricks to Attract People: For Business Entities ③ ... (2017-01-23 09:52)
- Ad Tricks to Attract People: For Business Entities ② ... (2017-01-23 09:51)
- Ad Tricks to Attract People: For Business Entities ① ... (2017-01-23 09:48)
8 search results
- Classifieds: Why was my ad rejected?Answer: There are a few reasons why ads are rejected. The following are the most common. 1. Not a free ad: if you are selling goods or ...
- Classifieds: What photo format should I use?Answer: Almost any format will work, but JPEG and PNG are best. ...
- Classifieds: My photo won't load. What's the problem?Answer: Photo Format: with a few exceptions (EPS, other proprietary formats), photos should load no matter what format they are in. JPEG and PNG, however, are ...
- Classifieds: Ad rejection e-mails explained.Answer: If your ad was rejected, you likely received an automatically generated e-mail from with only the briefest of messages, looking a little something like ...
- Scams, SPAM and Harassment: How To Spot A ScamAnswer: Scammers: they're out there, and as much as we'd like to keep Metropolis Classifieds scam-free, we can't filter them all out, especially when the scammer ...
- Classifieds: Can I attach a photo when using the contact form?Answer: No, it is not possible to attach a photo when using the contact form. For ads that state "reply with photo," well, the photo's going ...
- Ad Advice: Ad Tricks to Attract People: For Business Entities ②Answer: If you would like to post an ad for your business, this post will help you a lot. While there are some regulars in Metropolis Classifieds, ...
- Classifieds: What can my ad look like?Answer: Does my ad need to be short? Now that Metropolis Classifieds are only online, feel free to write to your heart's content! Online ads have ...