General Information

ID #1022

What do you do to protect users from fraudulent sellers?

While we do our best to protect our users by editing ads and rejecting those that are clearly scams/dangerous, it is impossible for us to check all of our users. As is printed at the bottom of the Classifieds, we take no responsibility for the quality of items or services advertised. It is up to the user to use his or her best judgment when dealing with vendors and/or meeting people. For information on how to spot scammers/fraudulent sellers, please see How to Spot a Scam.

That being said, if you have a bad experience with a user, please contact us at We take complaints againt users seriously, and, depending on the severity of the complaint, the user may have his or her account disabled.

Tags: complaints, fraud, protection

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Last update: 2013-09-19 05:04
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.5

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