
ID #1025

How do I reply to online ads?

You click on an ad, like what you see, and want to reply... but how to reply with no contact information, you wonder.

If you take a look at the right-hand side of the page, you will see a contact form. Simply fill in each field (e-mail, name, message, verification) and click "send". Your response will be sent to the inbox of the user you are trying to reach.

Sometimes, users post their contact information in their ad text. In such cases, you can easily respond from your own e-mail account. However, be advised that doing so makes your e-mail address readily available to the person to whom you are responding. In most cases, this isn't a problem, but there are malicious people out there who will use your contact information in unpleasant ways. If you use our contact form instead, your e-mail address, as well as the address of the person to whom you are replying, will remain hidden until you choose to reveal it.

Tags: online ads, replying, responding

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Last update: 2011-05-27 03:56
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.0

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