
ID #1017

The verification field doesn't work. I keep getting error messages.

The verification field exists to prevent computer-generated spam. It has to be difficult enough to outwit computers, but easy enough for humans to read. Sometimes, the line between the two gets crossed, making for an almost impossible-to-read pair of words. Luckily, you can refresh the verification field until something easier to read comes up (click the top icon of the three stacked icons beside the verification field).

There are a few other things to consider before clicking the blue button to finish.

1. Did you include a space between the words?

2. Did you include any punctuation that appears?

3. Is it a zero or the letter "o"?

If you still get an error message, try refreshing a few more times. If you still have problems, feel free to contact us at

Tags: CAPTCHA, registration, responding, verification

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Last update: 2011-01-07 03:44
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.0

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