
ID #1003

How do I register?

From the Classifieds top page, click the "Register Now" link in the top right corner, just under the blue "Sign In" button.

Choose a username, no more than 15 characters long and without spaces, and a display name, then input the e-mail address you would like linked to your account.

Fill in the "Verification" section, being careful to include capitals and spaces, and click "Register". If you find that the verification words are too difficult to read, there is a "refresh" button (two red arrows) to the right which, upon clicking, will provide you with a new set of words.

After registering, a password will be sent to the e-mail address registered. Please feel free to change it to something easier to remember upon logging in.

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Last update: 2017-01-23 09:42
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.6

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