
ID #1015

Why can't I register? I keep getting an error message.

Sometimes, everything appears to be fine, but the system still won't accept your registration. If this happens, try clicking on each field, at the end of each word. Delete any space that might be there and try again.

If it's the verification field that is causing problems, try refreshing it until something easier to read appears. If there is punctuation in the verification words, don't forget to include it in what you type.

Please note that usernames and display names should have no spaces. For example, "Melvin Clamshell" would be unacceptable. It could be registered as "Melvin_Clamshell", however.

If you still have problems, please contact us at

Tags: error message, registration

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Last update: 2017-01-23 09:42
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.4

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