
ID #1064

What is your Bronze Package?



Our Bronze Package is designed especially for our personal non-profit advertisers and is NOT for businesses. It means that your ad will be placed at the top of the free ad list for the duration of its run.

If you are unsure what constitutes a personal advertiser, check our FAQ here.

  What does a bronze ad look like?


Online, your ad will gain a premium bronze border to help it catch our visitors' eyes and will keep your ad above any other free ads that might be displayed in your ad section. 



If you want something a little fancier, why not try one of our other premium packs? Find more information here

 How much does it cost?

We believe in giving value to all our advertisers at Metropolis, which is why we offer our Bronze Package to non-profit advertisors for just ¥1000 (online-only).

Place your ad online today! 

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Last update: 2017-01-23 07:59
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.9

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