What are Premium Online Packs?
Not only that, they keep you near the top of your ad section and ensure you don't get hidden away by newer, free ads.
We currently have three tiers for our online ads that give you a few different
options for how your ad looks and where it appears on our site.
Take a look!
¥21,600 |
Silver ads get you a prime position above our other free ads, and give your ad summary a fancy red border to help you attract our sites' viewers.
¥32,400 |
Gold ads place you higher in the pecking order, above both our free ads and our silver ads. Your ad summary also gets a beautiful gold sheen to really give your ad a premium quality.
¥43,200 |
Platinum ads ensure you stay at the top of our page, and stay above all our other ad packs. Your ad summary will shine red with bold black text to catch the eye of everyone who looks at our site.
Tags: gold, online ads, platinum, silver
Related entries:
- What package should I choose, and what do the different options look like?
- Can I advertise for free?
- How do I respond to an ad response?
- How do I post an ad?
- When will my ad be approved?
Author: Metropolis Classifieds
Revision: 1.10
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